Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

The story of me

Assalamualaikum we.wb
My name Is Aulia musaffa. You can call me Aulia or a'o. I'm from Lombok. I was born in masbagik 03 April 1996. My father name is muh.himni anwar and my mother name is asni astuti. My parent work is enterpreneur. I have a little sister,her name is aidia asri. Now she is study at elementary school grade five.
My first study at kindergarden Dharma wanita masbagik. After kindergarden I continue my study at elementary school 01 masbagik.

After that I study at junior high school 01 masbagik. And then I study at senior high school 01 masbagik. Senior high school is the most beautiful time,every one said.
In my view, when I grade two at senior high school is very beautiful time. Because when grade one we are still adjusting and when grade 3 we are have many thoughts, start from thinking about TO,UN,UAS,and so on. But one thing I remember when grade three at senior high school, my teacher ask me and my best friend to stand in front of class because we are noisy and use body lation in this class.๐Ÿ˜† 
For the punishment he give we question and we are can't answer the question and we are sit down again. It is a very silly incident. Hehe๐Ÿ˜„☺️
(Don't follow me and my best friend๐Ÿ˜)
And now I'm study in agribusiness department of UMM. I choose study in there because I want to be independent and my parent very support me. 
In there I have many new friend and all of them very enjoy. I'm very happy  meet with them.
In my view, far from my parent make me mature thinking and make me independent.

This is little description from me.. Thank you๐Ÿ˜Š

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