Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

My experiece

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Okay i want to story about my experiece. Cekidooooottttt......
Tuesday, 17 February 2015 me and my our friend went to tanjung bloam beach at jerowaru east lombok. We are come together at seven o'clock in devi's house. We prepared food meals will be taken as rice, drink, snack and so on.
We are trip from masbagik to jerowaru maybe 1,5 hours. Until in there we are not allowed in through Jeeva Bloam, because this hotel owned by foreigners. We can't come in, except there is a person in. But we are never give up, however we must can come in to Tanjung Bloam beach. We asked to the locals people, how way to tanjung bloam besides through hotel. They suggested through the woods and hills. And we are searched gaet as street sign. We are meet with a man cut grass and we are asked him to street sign.
Trip on the woods and hills around 2 hours, because the roud is muddy. We are meet many buffalo in the woods. After 1,5 hours on the road, we are already near with tanjung bloam. From the top of the hills we are saw the beach very beautiful. We are do not want to lose the momen, we are take picture from the top of the hills with a very nice view.
After that we are continued the road trip. There is a friend, his name is Gansar slip. But fortunately he no injuries. Thirty minutes later, we are arrived in Tanjung Bloam. Very long journey is very beautiful view. I'm not forgot, althought the journey is very draining.
This is an my experience are not forgetten.
Lombok is a paradise, lombok I love you. :*
This is little story from me. Thank you:)
Assalamaualaikum wr.wb 😊

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