Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

About me :)

My name Is Aulia musaffa. You can call me Aulia or a'o. I'm from Lombok. I was born on 3 April 1996 and now I 18 years old. Now I'm a student in UMM agribusiness department. I choose agribusiness because I want to be young executive.amiiiin:) I'm be born to the world from family which in sya Allah sakinah mawaddah warahmah hehe. My father name is muh.himni anwar, and my mother name is asni astuti. My parent work is enterpreneur. I'm the first child from 2 bersaudara. I have sister,her name is aidia asri. She was born in 14 February 2003. And now she is class 5 elementary school. I'm a shy person. When I familiar with them,I'm a humorous. See my friend laught, I'm happy too. My friend very much,from naughty until pious hehe :D
My mom always say for me "we can friendly with anyone,but we must protect our self. If we meet bad person we must friendly too with them,because from there we can take lesson and each person there are definitely axcess. we must be positive thinking and we must kind hearted for other person". I always remember my mother says. I very love my parent and my sister. I hope I to be a success,I want make my parent and all person proud of me. I will hard work to be a success person and my dream materialize. Last I want to say I love my mom,dad,sister,family,best friend and I love u all.

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