Kamis, 30 April 2015


Hello Riska.. I Would like to invite you to come joining my birthday party.
It will begin on Saturday, April 03 2014 at 08.00 PM. It will be held in my house, Kp.wartel Masbagik.
I do hope that you can come together with your boy friend praying for my birthday.
I'm waiting for your coming! Come before 08.00 PM and wear your casual attire!
See you 😘

Your beautiful friend

Aulia Musaffa πŸ‘ΈπŸ˜Š

Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Compound,complex,compound complex centence

Lombok is a small island located in the province of NTB. Lombok is famous for the beach are very beautiful. One of the most famous is Gili Trawangan. Located of Gili Trawangan in the north lombok. I'am a native from Lombok, NO KW(haha). πŸ˜†
My house located in east lombok. But now I'am stay in Malang East Java, because I studying in university muhammadiyah of malang. The beach in east lombok not inferior to the beach is in central lombok,western lombok and north lombok. The one of the nice beach in east lombok is "Tanjung Bloam" beach and now the beach is very booming.
Two month ago when I have a break semester 1, I come back to lombok, my friends and I go to Tanjung Bloam beach together. A trip to tanjung bloam indeed very far from my house. We are used car from the house about 1,5 hours and we are walked to tanjung bloam beach about 1,5 hours. Although the trip is very far, but do not tired because we are kidding together. When the street, my leg punctured by thorns, but I keep the spirit to get tanjung bloam because many people said the beach is very beautiful. When we are arrive in there, we are take a picture together.
After that we are ate and take a break. There are several of my friends take a bath, but I not take a bath because we have to cross the rage to arrive to the place that can use for take a bath. I want to take a bath but I afraid to cross the rage. They are very happy can take a bath in there,although the sun is very hot. One of my friends, his name is Arli. He saw many small fish,but he can't catch it.
At 16.00 we go home and we must walked as long 1,5 hours again. After that we go in the car and go home. When we back home we saw accident infront of us,but we don't stop because we are dare not saw it. After reaching home I immediately take a bath and slept because I very tired. Next time I want go back to tanjung bloam beach, because tanjung bloam is so beautiful beach. I'am not bored to go there, although the journey is very far.
Thanks you hehe😘

Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

My dream 😊

I want to tell you about my dream. Okeeeyyy lets goooooooooooo..
Dream is hope some body in the future, every body have a dream. And I have dream like I will be success people and make my parent happy 3 years again. In the kindergarden and elementary school my dream is want a be doctor, because I always listen Susan song "cita-cita ku ingin menjadi doctor". πŸ˜†
But in junior high school my dream was change, I want a be nurse. My grandmother and grandfather say too me to be a nurse. Because if my grandmother and grandfather sick, I can take care them. I think I want a be nurse but now I don't like it, because somebody want it too. So this is not good opportunity.
Now I'm a second semester at university of muhammadiyah malang in agribusiness department. I want make my parent proud if I have good score in university. I hope that I can graduate in 3 years again. After that I have a dream again, I want a be entrepreneur. I will make a company the name is PT.Aulia Musaffa and my worker from my village. I will open job recruitment for all people.
If i become success entrepreneur I going to go to broad with my parent and my best friend. I will built a house like Raffi Ahmad's house, because I very love raffi ahmad (haha). I will meet raffi ahmad next years and I want to hug and invite him to my house in Lombok.
At the last time I will be success entrepreneur (amiiiiinnnn). If you want to take your dreams come true, you must work hard,study,pray and never give up.
Thank you guys. 😊🌹

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

My experiece

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Okay i want to story about my experiece. Cekidooooottttt......
Tuesday, 17 February 2015 me and my our friend went to tanjung bloam beach at jerowaru east lombok. We are come together at seven o'clock in devi's house. We prepared food meals will be taken as rice, drink, snack and so on.
We are trip from masbagik to jerowaru maybe 1,5 hours. Until in there we are not allowed in through Jeeva Bloam, because this hotel owned by foreigners. We can't come in, except there is a person in. But we are never give up, however we must can come in to Tanjung Bloam beach. We asked to the locals people, how way to tanjung bloam besides through hotel. They suggested through the woods and hills. And we are searched gaet as street sign. We are meet with a man cut grass and we are asked him to street sign.
Trip on the woods and hills around 2 hours, because the roud is muddy. We are meet many buffalo in the woods. After 1,5 hours on the road, we are already near with tanjung bloam. From the top of the hills we are saw the beach very beautiful. We are do not want to lose the momen, we are take picture from the top of the hills with a very nice view.
After that we are continued the road trip. There is a friend, his name is Gansar slip. But fortunately he no injuries. Thirty minutes later, we are arrived in Tanjung Bloam. Very long journey is very beautiful view. I'm not forgot, althought the journey is very draining.
This is an my experience are not forgetten.
Lombok is a paradise, lombok I love you. :*
This is little story from me. Thank you:)
Assalamaualaikum wr.wb 😊

Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

The story of me

Assalamualaikum we.wb
My name Is Aulia musaffa. You can call me Aulia or a'o. I'm from Lombok. I was born in masbagik 03 April 1996. My father name is muh.himni anwar and my mother name is asni astuti. My parent work is enterpreneur. I have a little sister,her name is aidia asri. Now she is study at elementary school grade five.
My first study at kindergarden Dharma wanita masbagik. After kindergarden I continue my study at elementary school 01 masbagik.

After that I study at junior high school 01 masbagik. And then I study at senior high school 01 masbagik. Senior high school is the most beautiful time,every one said.
In my view, when I grade two at senior high school is very beautiful time. Because when grade one we are still adjusting and when grade 3 we are have many thoughts, start from thinking about TO,UN,UAS,and so on. But one thing I remember when grade three at senior high school, my teacher ask me and my best friend to stand in front of class because we are noisy and use body lation in this class.πŸ˜† 
For the punishment he give we question and we are can't answer the question and we are sit down again. It is a very silly incident. HeheπŸ˜„☺️
(Don't follow me and my best friend😁)
And now I'm study in agribusiness department of UMM. I choose study in there because I want to be independent and my parent very support me. 
In there I have many new friend and all of them very enjoy. I'm very happy  meet with them.
In my view, far from my parent make me mature thinking and make me independent.

This is little description from me.. Thank you😊

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

About me :)

My name Is Aulia musaffa. You can call me Aulia or a'o. I'm from Lombok. I was born on 3 April 1996 and now I 18 years old. Now I'm a student in UMM agribusiness department. I choose agribusiness because I want to be young executive.amiiiin:) I'm be born to the world from family which in sya Allah sakinah mawaddah warahmah hehe. My father name is muh.himni anwar, and my mother name is asni astuti. My parent work is enterpreneur. I'm the first child from 2 bersaudara. I have sister,her name is aidia asri. She was born in 14 February 2003. And now she is class 5 elementary school. I'm a shy person. When I familiar with them,I'm a humorous. See my friend laught, I'm happy too. My friend very much,from naughty until pious hehe :D
My mom always say for me "we can friendly with anyone,but we must protect our self. If we meet bad person we must friendly too with them,because from there we can take lesson and each person there are definitely axcess. we must be positive thinking and we must kind hearted for other person". I always remember my mother says. I very love my parent and my sister. I hope I to be a success,I want make my parent and all person proud of me. I will hard work to be a success person and my dream materialize. Last I want to say I love my mom,dad,sister,family,best friend and I love u all.